Integrated Management Systems

PASS's policy is to conduct business in a responsible way and in a manner designed to protect the environment, health, and safety of our employees, customers, and the public.

PASS will comply with national and local laws relating to the protection of its employees, the public, and the environment. PASS will supplement compliance with local laws and regulations with our own Environmental, Health, and Safety, as well as quality assurance guidelines that provide a framework for all of our facilities and personnel.

PASS has assigned qualified staff to ensure that the policies are developed and implemented. However, it is the responsibility of all employees to accept accountability for following these policies, our guidelines, and all specific safety and environmental laws and regulations in order to protect themselves, their coworkers, the community, and the environment.

The policy shall be carried out as follows:

  • Develop and maintain Environmental, Health, and Safety (EHS) as well as Quality Assurance (QA) guidelines that provide direction and demonstrate commitment to all of our employees.
  • Develop and maintain an EHS/QA assessment program to ensure that the company policy is being implemented and that guidelines are being followed.
  • Provide a healthy and safe environment for all employees, contractors, visitors, and neighbors with the goal of zero incidents.
  • Prevent or reduce adverse environmental impacts with the ultimate goal of elimination of these impacts.
  • Establish appropriate forums for facilitating communication and disseminating environmental, health, and safety information throughout the company.
  • Provide continual training for EHS/QA personnel within the company.
  • Evaluate the performance of the company's EHS/QA program in order to promote continuous improvement.
  • Conduct due diligence investigations and remediation of property in a responsible manner.
  • Add value to the company by coordinating EHS/QA initiatives with business objectives.
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Compliance Partners

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